Panorama tag: panorama diary

Hen party in the river | PANORAMA DIARY

Hen party

The owners of the belongings were found very quickly.

Women's presence in the forest | PANORAMA DIARY

There are women here

These left belongings suggest there are women somewhere near

One hundred years back | PANORAMA DIARY

One hundred years back

Traditional polish lifestyle restored at Regional Museum in Lipce

Władysław Reymont Noblist house | PANORAMA DIARY

Noblist house

Visiting house of Polish noblist writer Władysław Stanisław Reymont

Bikepacking rural land | PANORAMA DIARY

Old buildings of Drzewce

Well preserved 19th Century architecture continued.

XIXth century village | PANORAMA DIARY

19th Century spot

One inconvenience to living in the 19th century was

Skierniewice rural land | PANORAMA DIARY

On the field again

Again we ride through picturesque Skierniewice land.

Bikes at the train station | PANORAMA DIARY

Between the topographies

You enter the train in a noisy city center